How do I make payments in Liquid with an automated invoice processing?

Paying Freelancers, Contractors, and Vendors with Liquid with Automated Invoice Processing

If you’d like to pay Invoices with an invoice approval process, here’s how.

First, set up your organization settings for your invoice approval process through the Settings tab in the left menu options:

  1. Each user within your organization can be assigned various roles of what they can do and access within Liquid through the Roles tab. Here you can assign users that are Department Approvers, Department Users, Accounts Payable, and more.
  2. Viewing the Users tab will show all users within your organization alongside their title and roles that you’ve assigned, along with their level of approval status.
  3. The policies tab allows you to create rules and restrictions around approvals, amounts, and changes. This is where you can set up minimum invoice amounts that must be approved by different levels within your organization, when changes to a bill are allowed, and how you’d like to pay your bills.

As Invoices come in from your vendors, Liquid makes the approval and payment process a breeze: 

  1. When an Invoice is sent by a vendor, you’ll receive an email, but your Liquid dashboard will also alert you of any invoices that are ready for payment. You can track the status of your invoices by selecting the Invoices tab from the left menu options. The table will show you which invoices are paid, unpaid, and due.
  2. Incoming Invoices are automatically routed to the right team members for approvals.
  3. Click on an Invoice to view all of the details. With automatic verification, Invoices are reviewed against agreed-upon Work Orders. Once all approvals within your organization have been met, the invoice can be paid. 
  4. With the Invoice selected, you can choose to Pay Now or Schedule payment. Once your choice has been made and your payment source has been selected, all you have to do is click the Pay Invoice button.
    • If the Invoice was sent to you by a Vendor who has not added their bank account, then your payment will be completed once their bank account has been added and verified.
      • The international bank account verification process automatically completes within 12-48 hours.
      • US bank accounts that require manual micro deposit verification require your Vendor to enter in the micro deposit amounts received in their bank account.  

And if your Vendor has sent you an Invoice outside of Liquid, you can always upload that Invoice to Liquid for approvals and payment. You can upload Invoices in USD as well as invoices in foreign currencies.