Billing Reminders are available for all Work Orders, whether they were created by the Vendor or by the Client.
Billing Reminders are available for Work Orders created with the following rate/intervals:
We will pay for the work
at an hourly rate of -
on a specific date
Every two weeks, based on start date.
Once a month, based on start date.
at a daily rate of -
Every two weeks, based on start date.
Once a month, based on start date.
at a weekly rate of -
Every other weeks, based on start date.
at a monthly rate of -
Once a month, based on start date
at a quarterly rate of -
on the specific date of
Once a quarter, based on the start date
on the specific date of
on the specific date of
Invoice frequency terms of “after we have confirmed receipt” or “as follows” will not be eligible for Billing Reminders because Liquid cannot predict these invoices in advance.
In the last step of creating the Work Order, you'll be asked if you want to automatically create a draft invoice and email the vendor a reminder at this interval:

If this box is un-checked, your vendor will not receive Billing Reminders.
Once the Billing Reminder has been set, it will appear on the Work Order Details in the Actions section:

Click Turn off reminders and draft invoices at billing intervals to turn off the Billing Reminders and draft Invoice creation.
If Billing Reminders are turned off, simply click Turn on reminders and draft invoices at billing intervals to turn on the Billing Reminders and draft Invoice creation.

The Work Order estimated end date has ended
Or WO has been moved to a completed state.