To use Liquid, you must create your Vendor business account in Liquid (even if you don't have an actual business and do work as yourself) and must complete your Client's onboarding processes.
If you work as an individual or sole proprietor, do not have an entity, or have a disregarded entity and file taxes for your business as yourself, select No, I work for myself / am a sole proprietor.
If you have a business entity, choose Yes, I have a business entity - partnership, corporation, or LLC; then, choose the business structure of the entity you use.
LLC options in Vendor Business Profile Setup in Liquid
If you have a multi-member LLC, then you should pick the option that matches how you have chosen to have your LLC treated for tax purposes:
- LLC – C Corporation
- LLC – S Corporation
- LLC – Partnership
If you have a single-member LLC that is treated as a disregarded entity, you should pick sole proprietorship because you file taxes as yourself.