Liquid is the fastest and easiest way to contract and pay your global, liquid workforce. Learn about our product updates here.
See below for Liquid Product Updates, which are updated monthly.
You can also view our Liquid Release Notes, which are updated every day we have a release.
March 2022
With Spring comes renewal and we’re spending March working on optimizations and improvements to make Liquid work better for you. Work Orders have been improved so that they load quickly and allow for a better creation experience.
We’ve also expanded Accounting Fields so our Clients who use Quickbooks can tag Work Orders as they create them and also have added some new options for tag types.
February 2022
We’ve expanded Billing Reminders so that Clients can enable them at the time they create a Work Order to automatically send a reminder to their Vendor to create an invoice at the expected interval, and Vendors can also enable Billing Reminders on a Work Order created before we introduced this feature.
Work Orders are also now calling out the Master Contract they are subject to, as they are bound by the terms of this contract.
January 2022
Starting the year off with a bang by updating our authentication protocols to make authentication safer and easier to use. You should have received an email to update your password after Jan 9. Please make sure you do so if you haven’t yet.
We have also added Sign in with Google, Intuit, and Microsoft 365.
You can now change the scheduled payment date for an invoice if you have scheduled one in the future, so if you’ve made an error or need to pay it off sooner this is now easy to do.
December 2021
We’ve updated our trial logic so you don’t have to put in the promo code to get a free trial, you can just opt in if you qualify.
Bulk Approve will let you approve all the items you currently have permissions to approve instantly from the Invoices Dashboard menu so that you don’t have to open each one to approve them.
Vendors can now add hours to multiple Work Orders from a bulk add menu from the Work Orders page as well.
November 2021
We've introduced new Liquid plans without invoice fees. If you haven't signed up already, use promocode 30DAYSFREE to get a 1-month free trial for any of these new plans.
If you're a client with an invoice in hand that has the bank account for a vendor who hasn't been invited yet, you can now include their banking along with the invoice so that when the vendor comes to Liquid and completes onboarding, they can get paid right away. Or, if you don't have their banking info and you still want to enter in the invoice for a vendor who hasn't been invited yet, you can invite them with the invoice and they'll get paid after they complete onboarding and enter in their bank account information directly into Liquid.
October 2021
We've enhanced your dashboard to show you more of the data you need and the shortcuts that matter to you, and also added enhanced Projects tracking so you can keep track of your projects all in one place.
We have added several other bulk action features, including the ability to make bulk payments. When you go to the Invoices section, you'll see a toggle for Bulk pay that will filter your invoices to those that are ready for payment and allow you to make bulk payments.
We continue to prioritize ideas from customers and we now show invoice warnings on invoices as they are being created (instead of only after invoices have been sent), and have improved the vendor onboarding experience.
We've also made several bug fixes, improved page loading, added a maintenance page that is displayed to users when we are mid-deployment, and much more.
September 2021
Based on requests from our users who want to use Liquid to pay for Purchase Orders, we've added a new vendor type, Non-Service Vendors. Onboarding Non-service vendors requires an upload of a PDF that shows the relationship between your business and your vendor, and then you and your vendor will be able to create Purchase Orders.
In addition, we've added a new Bench Management feature (found in a new Contacts section) which allows you to bulk upload a list of all potential freelancers, contractors, or vendors to Liquid and easily invite them when you are ready to work with them. With this feature, you can also search your Contacts and Tag them (tags are found in a new Settings section called Tags).
Lastly, we have released the first of many bulk action features. The first feature allows you to upload a spreadsheet to send vendor multiple invites at once. You can find this feature in the Vendors section. Look forward to more bulk actions coming next month!
August 2021
We've quietly added several new features, including notifications when contracts are expiring and countersigning (both found under a new Settings section called Legal Settings). When countersigning is enabled, Vendors sign your contracts first — and a contract signer from your company will have to review and sign the contracts before the Vendors onboarding is complete.
In addition, we continue to prioritize adding new features and changing existing features based on requests and feedback from our current users. Please reach out to us via chat or email anytime or submit a feature idea online.
July 2021
We've added a Projects tool that allows you to tag Work Orders together. To use this feature, you'll have to go to the Accounting Fields tab within Settings to set some Customer and/or Project tags. These tags can be linked to QuickBooks Online tags, but aren't required to be linked to QuickBooks. This feature allows you to roll up the costs across Work Orders — which is helpful when you've got a team working on different parts of a single project for one of your own clients.
Also, we are continuing to prioritize adding new features and changing existing features based on requests and feedback from our current users. Please reach out to us via chat or email anytime or submit a feature idea online.
June 2021
Any Vendor on Liquid can now invoice anyone — whether or not that Client is a user of Liquid!
May 2021
We've made some changes to onboarding processes and IRS tax forms so that there is a combined IRS Tax form step that appropriately presents either the IRS W8 or IRS W9 form to each Vendor. New Client users now have 2 onboarding processes (Standard Onboarding and Offline Contracts) instead of 4 (US and International version of each process). Existing Client users who want to streamline their onboarding processes can reach out to support for help.
April 2021
Invoicing in foreign currencies is now available for select currencies!
Moreover, we are introducing Project Tags, which will allow Clients to tag their Liquid activities — and have those tags sync with QuickBooks Online.
In addition, we will soon be introducing a way for any Vendor on Liquid to invoice anyone — whether or not the Client is a user of Liquid. We've heard from many users that they would like to be able to use Liquid to invoice all of their Clients, so we've built this feature to allow Vendors in the United States and around the world to get paid by any United States business in 2-3 business days.
Based on user feedback, we also brought back the feature that allows Clients to send Work Orders immediately after the Vendor invite and also made the business name step for new Vendors dynamic based on whether they work for themselves or not.
Another new feature we’ve added this month is adding period of performance start date and end date for Invoices. This should make it easier to differentiate between invoices when they are sent close together.
March 2021
Automated routing to hiring managers for invoice approvals is now available to users on premium plans!
With Approvals turned on and this automated hiring manager feature turned on, invoices will be automatically routed to Hiring Managers. With this improvement comes some changes to how the Invoice Processor works. Whereas before, you would have been prompted to move approvals along each step of the way, now invoices will be automatically moving to the next approver — then finally the payer(s) once approvals are done.
For those of you who use approval workflows, we are confident this will save you a significant amount of time while also continuing to decrease the likelihood of paying incorrect (or even fraudulent) invoices.
In addition, we recently added Work Order uploads — this allows you jumpstart projects with your vendors by allowing you to add resources such as files and URLs to Work Orders and Projects.
For Clients, we have also improved Work Order estimates so that they are now editable — allowing you to perform more accurate cash flow forecasting.
February 2021
At Liquid, our goal is to make it simple for organizations to contract and pay their freelancers, contractors, consultants, and vendors. To that end, we’ve been quietly rolling out built-in FX for a select group of foreign currencies. And we are thrilled to now make that available to all users, allowing Vendors to now get paid in their local currencies!
January 2021
We added the ability for Client to set their default payment terms, which then automatically apply to all engagements. Clients can also change payment terms for each Vendor as well as change them for each Work Order and for each Invoice. If Vendors want to request Due Upon Receipt, Net 7, Net 14, or Net 45 instead they may do so by messaging their Client.
We also partnered with Persona to improve our KYC process.