What information is shown on the Cash Forecast Report?

Using Work Orders in Liquid along with thoughtful fee estimates allows you to use Liquid’s Cash Forecast Report (located under Expense Visibility on the Reports page). This report provides details on month to month estimates of your active Work Orders, so that you know the cash outlay you’ve committed to in total over time. Once a Work Order has been agreed to, even before work begins, you are able to forecast the cash outflow associated with those Work Orders with the Cash Forecast Report. 

The Cash Forecast Report is a forward looking report of all active projects and the expected cash outlay (not including any invoices that have already been paid). This report lists Vendors, Work Orders, total estimate, invoiced and paid to date, and the future forecast of cash outlay from the current month to the longest active Work Order. Each of these month columns has the associated monthly estimated costs for that Vendor and Work Order listed. In addition, the report has a sum for each of the month columns, providing you visibility into the forecasted expenses across the future months. 

Note that once a Work Order has been moved to state Complete, it will no longer appear in the Cash Forecast Report.