What level of access does someone need to approve or reject but NOT pay?

Depending on what else you want those users to do, you have two options for the user role to add those users as:

  • Hiring Managers are able to approve and reject invoices they are added on as an approver, but not able to press pay. They are also able to invite Vendors and add Work Orders. Note that granting someone this user role is different than adding them as a Hiring Manager for a specific Vendor or Work Order. Any user with role Admin, General Counsel, Contract Signer, or Hiring Manager can be assigned as the Hiring Manager for a specific Vendor or Work Order.
  • Invoice Processors are able to approve and reject invoices they are added on as an approver and are able to add additional ad hoc approvers. Note that granting someone this user role is different than adding them to the Invoice Processor permission on the Settings --> Approvals page.